Beth Rice, Medical, Emotional and Generational Intuitive | Usui Reiki Master Teacher | Founder of Enhanced LaHoChi | Practitioner of EFT | Certified Sound Based Healer | Ho'oponopono | Homeopathy | Bach Flower Essences ...and more.

Pic: beth during her
many MINI travels
summers of 2022-24.

A bit about beth

    For those who know me, you know I don't like talking about "me" but it's necessary for those who are seeking help in identifying or clearing issues that affect their health. To start with family info; I have 5 children, and 5 grands. I am fortunate to live within 3 miles of most my kids and grands, 1 daughter lives 2.5 hours away and one grandson lives in Canada.
    I started with natural/holistic based work in 1994 after my second son was born with multiple distonement disorders. I was led to homeopathy to help him to heal after his pediatrician said that he would have "multiple surgeries by the time he was 5." I prayed, researched, and felt led to homeopathy, and to a particular remedy. He experienced a miraculous healing once the right remedy was given, in only a few weeks. (Much to his pediatrician's disbelief.) He is now nearing 30 and never had to have any surgeries.

    After I discovered the remarkable results with homeopathy, I started a homeopathy study group in Huntsville, AL to learn more and to help others learn. This was my first time to teach any natural healing modality. I also started a Yahoo group in 1998 that was for natural healing and energy modalities. We transitioned this in 2013 to a FB group that has launched many energy workers into their own businesses.
   Going back to fill in some details, after experiencing a NDE during this son's birth, as well as other Spiritual experiences in the next decade or so, I realized that I had some intuitive abilities that allowed me pick up on imbalances that people were experiencing. Sometimes, I pick up on a nutritional deficiency. Sometimes I "see" a trapped emotion - and what symptoms it is causing for the person. Sometimes I "hear" a trauma-based story. It varies with each person, but I soon realized that I could intentionally tap into a person and "see" what they need to do to be in a healthier state. I also realized that my gifts also allowed me to clear many of the imbalances that the person was dealing with, or, at times, I am led to coach them on what they needed to do to allow their body to heal. I also have been blessed with some amazing experiences with generational healing.
     I have studied extensively in the last 30 years since my experience with my son. I am now a Usui Reiki Master Teacher, a certified LaHoChi practitioner, and a certified sound healer. I added several hand positions/clearings to original LaHoChi and am the founder of Enhanced LaHoChi. I also practice EFT, utilize Ho'oponopono, homeopathy, herbs, and more.
     The body has been given amazing healing abilities. I don't heal. I simply help to remove blocks that may be preventing your body from being at its best. I have always encouraged everyone to seek the cause of their imbalances rather than to just work to eliminate the symptom.
     In addition to private and group intuitive sessions, including generational work, I teach natural-based healing courses, and have developed self-guided healing scripts to help those who want or need to do their own work, or who need extra work than my private or group sessions offer.
   This story is a work in progress. I continue to strive to stay close to God, while helping people to use what God gave them to be healthy...their own immune system, and the herbs and other healing gifts from the earth.
    In my time away from my healing practice, I also function as the CFO/COO of a family corporation that we run with the help from our kids and others around the world. I enjoy traveling in my fun MINI Coopers - where I drove in several different MINI events - 11k miles on trips in 14 months throughout the South including the Back of the Dragon and Tail of the Dragon roads in Virginia and NC. We visited NYC, Washington DC, up through New England, and on another trip we ran along Route 66 to Chicago, and around the midwest and into MO, Kansas and OK. I was able to visit several Church history locations in my summer of 2023 travels as well; including Nauvoo, Carthage, Adam-Ondi-Ahman, Kirtland OH. and Palmyra NY. In 2024, I was able to do another MINI trip that started in Albuquerque NM and went through SLC and ended in Seattle with a total of 9 cities. I followed the Pacific Coastal Highway from Seattle and into San Francisco and visited Las Vegas. Afterwards I returned once again to Nauvoo, Carthage and Adam-Ondi-Ahman. I've put 100k miles on my cars much of it in the last 2 years, with these trips.
MINI trip 2024 Coos Bay, Oregonbeth's MINI in St. Ignace Summer of 2023Nauvoo, IL. Joseph and Hyrum at SunsetGrands playing at Nashville Mallbeth and Kylie in NYC
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My client sessions are DISTANCE based via  Signal App, FB Messenger, Text, Zoom or Phone.
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beth rice, RMT
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